How to have a good breath?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

We breathe to oxygenate the billions of cells that make up our body.

Oxygen molecules are essential for cells to produce energy (ATP).

Without oxygen, there will be no energy and no life!

Most people think they breathe well, but the truth is, it is quite different from their thoughts.

Stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression, burnout, inflammation, illness, all proves that life is not really at the date, that energy is no longer at its peak and obviously, our cells are very poorly oxygenated.

Even if the evolution of the society, the acceleration of the rhythm of life, the individualistic thought system, the surrounding stress have negatively impacted our overall health, it is possible to completely reverse the situation.

Thanks to our breathing. To learn how to breathe properly on a daily basis, to know how to improve the oxygenation of our cells, and to learn how to breathe again should be a top priority if we want to regain all our health potentials!

How to have a good breath?

How to breathe properly on a daily basis?

What is a good breath? (medical standard)

The physiological and medical standard (references) for ventilation of a 70kg man at rest is about 6 liters of air per minute.

It is also noted that an inspiration (tidal volume) corresponds to 500 ml of air, that the respiratory rate is 12 respiratory cycles (inspiration/expiration) per minute, that an inspiration lasts approximately 1.5 to 2 seconds and that a expiration takes about 1.5 to 2 seconds followed by an automatic breathing pause of 1 to 2 seconds.

Also, according to the study (McArdle et al, 2000), if a person holds his breath after an expiration, it takes about 40 seconds before he needs to be inspired again.

This apnea time indicates normal cellular oxygenation.

This 40 seconds corresponds to another medical standard I named the CO2 pressure in the pulmonary alveoli of the lungs and in the arterial blood which is 40 mm Hg (unit of measurement of atmospheric pressure).

This has been brought to light by physiologists Charles Douglas and John Haldane (Oxford University).

Their results were published in 1909 in a medical article (The Regulation of Normal Breathing, Journal of Physiology, Douglas; Haldane, 1909).

Also, these scientific studies have shown that normal breathing is invisible (no movement of the belly or the chest), regular and inaudible.

This implies no gasping (hasty) breathing, no wheezing, no sighs, no yawning, no coughing, no sneezing, no deep breathing.

This is the physiological and medical standard of normal breathing for most people.

Let's see if we get closer or not ...

How to breathe well everyday?

As we have seen above, there are several parameters that determines normal breathing.

However, we will only use one test to check if our breathing is normal.

This extremely simple test was developed by Dr. Buteyko and his team of Russian doctors.

This test makes it possible to check if the CO2 pressure at the alveoli and the arterial blood is 40 mm Hg, an indication for normal cellular oxygenation.

The breath test to test your breath

As the study indicates (McArdle et al, 2000), it is sufficient to check how long one can hold on without breathing after an expiration.

To take the test, sit comfortably, keep your back straight, watch your breathing for one minute, get a stopwatch, then, at the end of an expiration, pinch your nose to stop breathing.

At the very first sign of discomfort (it is very important not to force otherwise it will falsify the test), stop the timer and breathe again.

What is your score?

If your score is less than 40 seconds, your cell oxygenation level is below normal.

This indicates that you do not have good energy, that your vital potential is not optimal and of course, that you are not breathing properly.

What technique or exercise to breathe well?

Intermittent Breathing is a powerful breathing method that aims to normalize our breathing.

It brings together the best of three great breathing methods (Pranayama Yoga, Taoist Breath, Buteyko Method).

Intermittent Breathing is not just a breathing technique with exercises to improve cellular oxygenation.

It is also a complete lifestyle that will allow the breathing to sublimate and more precisely, to calm down.

Indeed, the absolute goal of Intermittent Breathing is to breathe less and less, but better and better.

Indeed, all diseases, whether physical or mental, are characterized by a more intense breathing.

Specifically, a person in poorer health breathes MORE than a person in good health.

While the norm is 6 liters of breathed air per minute, a person with any health problems breathes 2 or 3 times more air per minute.

Intermittent Breathing is a breathing method but also a lifestyle that will gradually allow you to breathe less in order to restore normal CO2 pressure in the alveoli and blood.

As you will discover gradually, the Intermittent Breathing focuses essentially on the normalization of the pressure in CO2 because it determines our oxygenation.

How to improve your breathing?

Obviously! And this is the goal of esoteric practices such as yoga or qi-qong.

Dr. Buteyko and his team of Russian doctors understood this well and suggested a new standard for breathing.

They consider perfect breathing to bewhen the ventilation per minute is 4 liters (instead of 6), the frequency of 8 cycles per minute (instead of 12), an automatic breathing pause of 4 seconds (instead of 2), a CO2 pressure of 46 mm HG (instead of 40) in alveoli and arterial blood.

All this corresponds to a score of 60 seconds apnea (after expiration) on the breath test.

You can do the test by following my complete guide to learn how to breathe the right way.

Dr. Buteyko and his team called this breath of yogic, only for people with a healthy lifestyle and now a permanent control of their breathing (like yogis).

At this point, their observations on healthy subjects indicated the development of many "psychic powers" such as intuition, premonition, clairvoyance, clear-hearing, telepathy (reading thoughts), or a total absence of stress.

This is exactly what to dream about in this anxious society of the 21st century...

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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