How to fight the fear of being attacked?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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We have all been able to one day or the other to feel insecure.

However, with some people this feeling is pervasive no matter where they are.

They live in fear of aggression, whatever its nature: physical, sexual ...

It becomes obsessive, to the point of phobia.

Fear of Being Attacked

This fear leads them to be extremely suspicious, to limit their outings, to withdraw into themselves, to isolate themselves.

The fear of being assaulted can arise when an assault close to home or to one's habits is relayed by the media.

But often it is the fact of having been assaulted in the past that is the starting point of the phobia.

This assault aroused strong emotions, which strongly permeated the victim's reptilian brain.

An emotional blockage has formed there, and the feeling of insecurity is revived at the slightest pretext: a stranger staring or approaching, being alone outside or even at home, walking around at night ...

The notion of danger is felt perpetually.

But it is possible to overcome this exaggerated fear, to find appeasement in normal and everyday situations, while remaining able to react in the face of a real and proven danger.

How to cure your phobia of aggression (anxiety)?

To cure your phobia of aggression, it is important to regain self-confidence.

Taking self-defense lessons to be able to protect yourself and react can also be a reassuring and soothing measure with regard to your anxieties.

But to cure his phobia of aggression in a lasting way, a deep cleansing of the reptilian brain is essential.

It is about freeing blocked emotions, even if the shock goes back a long way, and freeing oneself from the trauma of the past, which prevents us from fully developing today.

By clearing your emotional blockages, the phobia of being assaulted can be overcome.

Like a detox cure, it is self-therapy that will allow you to access the reptilian brain and be able to cleanse it of all your emotional blockages.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, I have designed for you, based on my professional and personal experiences, an emotional liberation therapy, which will help you to overcome your fear of aggression.

My complete program, “Detox Emotions”, which takes the form of a video workshop, is based on a method of yoga of tremor which, through a succession of postures, allows to release the emotions blocked in the reptilian brain.

❀ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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