How to eliminate blood phobia (hematophobia)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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The fear of blood is hematophobia.

The phobia is as much about losing your own blood as it is about seeing another person's blood.

The slightest injury, such as a small cut, can make you feel very unwell, as can seeing blood, real or imitated, on TV.

Having a blood test is difficult to overcome for a hematophobe, especially as this phobia can be accompanied by fear of bites, which is also very widespread.

Overcome Blood Phobia

The sight of blood spilling out of the body can inconvenience some people because it refers to a vital risk.

With some exceptions, blood phobia also refers to a traumatic experience or emotional shock that hematophagus experienced in its past.

Indeed, a trauma can have an intense repercussion on the psyche.

The reptilian brain records the negative emotions felt during this shock.

When the hematophobe is faced with a similar situation, then the reptilian brain sends out warning signals, which are the symptoms experienced when facing the sight of blood.

However, it is possible to make him change his perception of things, to reduce his judgment, and therefore to free himself from the fear of blood.

How to cure the fear of seeing blood and wounds?

To cure his phobia of the sight of blood, work must be done to release the blocked emotions.

Because it is indeed possible to initiate an emotional detox.

This is an all-natural cleansing process, an emotional detox, which requires access to the reptilian brain.

It can be carried out through self-therapy, requiring work on oneself to access one's unconscious.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, I help you reach your goal of liberating emotional blockages through a complete program called "Detox Emotions", entirely developed by me.

By accessing the reptilian brain, liberation therapy allows it to be freed and then re-educated.

Memories are not erased, but emotions are better managed.

They are no longer blocked and the phobia of the sight of blood can be alleviated.

I present to you my self-therapy program “Detox Emotions” in a free video workshop.

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