How to cure the phobia of having cancer or a tumor?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Cancer is one of the most feared diseases.

While research has led to better management and cure of several types of tumors, for some patients, the outcome of the disease remains fatal.

Cancers and tumors are scary, sometimes to the point of phobia.

Fear of Having Cancer

Cancer is scary because it affects all profiles of the population without distinction: babies, children, men and women; no one can assert himself free from disease.

It refers us to the fact that we are not immortal.

The heavy treatments it induces are also often feared, awakening the fear of falling ill, the fear of hospitals or the fear of injections.

Cancer and its symptoms also lead to a form of physical decline, often temporary, which can awaken fear of aging and fear of losing control.

Having seen reports on cancer patients or having someone diagnosed with loved ones is often the cause of the phobia of having cancer or a tumor.

The information received by the psyche was brutal, and the related emotions formed an emotional blockage.

The reptilian brain assimilates from the prospect of having cancer or tumor as a great danger.

It is possible to overcome your fear of cancer.

How to overcome the fear of cancer?

Being afraid of something does not prevent it from happening.

It is therefore important to overcome your fear of cancer, and to keep your strength to overcome the disease if it should occur.

Observing a healthy lifestyle, for example with a varied and balanced diet associated with regular and sufficient physical activity, or by respecting the preventive instructions with regard to electromagnetic waves, does not add to the risk of developing cancer. or a tumor.

Remembering that some tumors are not malignant and that remissions are possible can also help reassure you.

Reading the testimonials of patients, doctors or people in remission also allows you to better understand the disease, which we hear a lot about without really understanding what it is all about.

Getting tested on a regular basis is also an essential action, even for people who fear the diagnosis.

This is the solution for effective and early treatment, if necessary, in order to optimize the chances of recovery.

To overcome the fear of cancer, it is also useful to release emotional blockages, by detoxifying the reptilian brain.

For more convenience, it is possible to proceed through self-therapy.

This is what the complete “Detox Emotions” program that I put at your disposal consists of, built on the basis of my experiences as a yoga therapist and as a breathing coach.

It is an entirely natural process which allows to provide a detox cure to the reptilian brain and to release emotional blockages, causing the fear of cancer and tumors to ebb.

It is based only on sequences of yoga postures of the tremor.

I invite you to discover more about the complete program “Detox Emotions” in my free video workshop.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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