How to cure his phobia of the dark and the dark?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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The penumbra is conducive to rest and relaxation.

However, being in the dark is often considered scary.

Fear of the dark affects many children, but not only.

It can last into adulthood.

In its strongest expression, fear of the dark can go as far as a phobia.

Fear of the Dark

Darkness is scary because it robs us of one of our most popular senses: sight.

The limits of things and rooms are no longer perceptible.

Our benchmarks are jostled.

Fear of the unknown arises, as well as the fear of losing control.

Black is also a color associated with sadness and mourning, which can subconsciously recall the fear of death.

The fear of the dark can find its source in a traumatic experience of the past, such as an assault after dark or an intrusion into one's home during the night, for example.

The youngest will be able to experience the anguish of separation at bedtime, which is reflected in the darkness of the bedroom.

Whatever triggered the fear of the dark, the emotions felt at that time were so strong that they remained stuck in the reptilian brain.

An emotional block has formed, and black remains associated with a notion of danger.

Each time darkness arises, fear returns, always with the same intensity.

However, it is possible to overcome your fear of the dark and the dark.

How to overcome the fear of the dark?

The feeling of unease can be somewhat alleviated if the darkness is less or if a bright spot remains visible.

Installing a night light or an electric garland, leaving the hallway light on with the door ajar, not closing the shutters are all simple gestures that reduce the darkness and reduce the feeling of discomfort.

But to cure his phobia of the dark and the dark, it is necessary to practice a deep cleansing of the reptilian brain to free it from the influence of emotional blockages.

Accessing the reptilian brain and unblocking emotions goes through self-therapy, like the one I offer you through my complete “Emotions Detox” program.

As a yoga therapist and breathing coach, I designed this psyche detox treatment to support you in your process of healing your phobia.

"Detox Emotions" is based on sequences of yoga postures of the tremor, the effects of which make it possible to overcome many fears, including the fear of the dark and the dark.

I tell you about “Detox Emotions”, its process and its results in my free video workshop.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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