How to cure gay impulse phobia?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Sexual orientation is what touches the most intimate.

It is not a sexuality, but sexualities.

Some people seek to position themselves on this direction, but the answer is not always clear cut.

If love is always beautiful, the fact remains that the possibility of bisexuality or homosexuality scares some people.

This intense fear of becoming homosexual is called a gay impulse phobia.

Gay Impulse Phobia

This phobia can affect adolescents, whose personality is still being built and for whom sexuality in all its forms is a recurring subject and a source of questioning.

It also concerns people with heterosexual relationships who recognize themselves as such.

Gay impulse phobia imposes recurring and uncontrolled thoughts, where the phobic experiences a romantic relationship or lovemaking with a partner of the same sex.

These flashes which impose themselves in the thoughts take an important scale since they become obsessive.

They are badly experienced by people suffering from this phobia of gay impulse, who feel a sense of shame.

However, that does not mean that they are homophobic.

A great deal of energy is developed in an attempt to combat these thoughts which arise unexpectedly.

But the attention that focuses on them has the effect of amplifying them.

An emotional blockage is then created, which the efforts exerted are not enough to overcome.

There is however a solution to calm one's mind and cure gay impulse phobia.

How to overcome obsessive thoughts related to homosexuality?

To overcome the incessant flow of homosexual projections that arise to the point of obsession, it is necessary to release the blocked emotions.

This quickly soothes the psyche, which leads to general well-being.

To be able to deliver blocked emotions, it is necessary to be able to access your reptilian brain, to provide it with a deep cleansing, a detox.

This approach has the advantage of being able to be carried out in self-therapy.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, my complete “Detox Emotions” program will allow you to carry out this work on yourself efficiently, with the aim of overcoming obsessive thoughts related to homosexuality.

You regain control of your thoughts, progressing at your own pace, in autonomy, but with sound and professional advice.

Self-therapy "Emotions Detox" is based on a natural yoga technique of shaking, which has the effect of helping to evacuate emotional blockages and detoxify the reptilian brain.

I tell you more in my free video workshop.

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