How to beat OCD and ruminations (phobias of impulse)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) combines both uncontrolled obsessive thoughts and ruminations, as in the case of impulse phobias, but also compulsions, that is to say an irrational need to perform certain precise gestures , a ritual, to feel safe.

OCD and Ruminations

These disorders testify to a great anxiety and a need for reassurance.

Obsessive thoughts can be of various natures: illness, aggression, sexuality, symmetry for example.

Compulsions are also different from one individual to another: checking, manic cleaning ...

Subconsciously, it is for them to seek to maintain control.

These OCD and ruminations are due to emotional blockages born of a trauma in the past of the phobic.

During this event, the person felt so helpless that the emotions got embedded in the reptilian brain and got stuck there.

The fear of being so vulnerable again never leaves them, inducing impulse phobias.

However, it is possible to overcome OCD, ruminating, and the fear of feeling out of control.

How to cure your fear of losing control (obsessive thoughts)?

To be able to overcome his compulsions, his obsessions and therefore his fear of losing control, it is useful to identify the source of the anxiety, the trigger.

Knowing this factor, which is sometimes relegated to the subconscious, is a first step in taming your phobia and starting to act.

Above all, it is necessary to get rid of blocked emotions.

Well-being depends on their total evacuation. To be able to release them, operating a deep cleansing of the reptilian brain is beneficial.

The detox of the reptilian brain can be done through self-therapy.

Because the key to the problem is within you.

However, it is preferable to be guided and advised in your actions to achieve your goals and have noticeable results as soon as possible.

This is why I wanted to provide you with support through a free video workshop.

My "Detox Emotions" program supports you towards the release of your emotional blockages.

It is accessible to all because it is completely natural.

It is based on yoga postures, the sequence of which induces body tremors, perceptible signs of the expulsion of emotional blockages and accumulated tensions.

This reptilian brain detox causes obsessive thoughts to flow back to healing the fear of losing control.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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