How do you overcome the fear of making mistakes at work ?
Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.
The work is subject to performance targets. The error is tracked down there.
It is often harmless, but it can also, depending on its nature, have serious consequences, such as a disciplinary sanction for example.
Taking responsibility for a professional mission involves responsibility and skills.
It hangs over some like a sword of Damocles, and they live in fear of making mistakes on the job.
This fear can go as far as professional phobia.
Faced with the fear of making mistakes at work, people who suffer from them may refuse assignments that involve making decisions.
They often stick to executive tasks, even if it means blocking their professional career.
They prefer a work in the back office rather than in front of customers.
In the case of the most extreme fears, having a job is simply impossible.
A lack of self-confidence is behind this phobia.
It arises from the phobic's past, a traumatic event linked to an error at work that caused him to lose self-esteem.
The emotions were felt as a shock which strongly marked the memory and the subconscious.
This emotional blockage still causes the reptilian brain to fear that the situation will repeat itself today and to analyze the possibility of making a mistake as a danger.
This situation is not, however, irrevocable.
It is possible to overcome your professional phobia accompanied by a faint fear of error.
How to overcome your professional phobia (fad and fear of making mistakes)?
It is important to reduce your stress in order to better understand your professional life.
It causes a lot of physical and mental disturbances that affect your well-being at work, which can even be a source of inattention and therefore errors.
Eating a balanced diet, practicing regular physical activity, indulging in a leisure activity are all avenues to explore.
Also be reassured about your professional capacities.
Remember that the job market is extremely competitive today and if you were chosen for the job, your skills are real and recognized.
In addition, errors are often rare compared to the amount of work done, and not all of them have serious consequences.
They are also a means of learning and progressing in their know-how, their interpersonal skills and / or their knowledge.
To fully overcome your professional phobia, overcome your fake fear of error and finally feel better at work, it is useful to detox the reptilian brain in order to free it from the emotional blockages that hinder it.
To this end, I have mobilized my yoga therapist and breathing coach skills to help you in your process of healing from the fear of mistakes at work.
Thus was born the program “Emotions Detox”. It is based on simple yoga postures, the sequence of which induces body tremors, a direct manifestation of the emotions which are evacuated.
The entire program is carried out like self-therapy.
I will give you more details on “Detox Emotions” in my free video workshop.
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