How can you stop putting too much pressure on yourself at work?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Having too much pressure at work is more and more common because managers always ask you for more to optimize their results.

But after a while, it happens that we crack because we can no longer endure this ever increasing pressure every day.

Managing the Pressure at Work

Of course, a business must achieve goals to be sustainable, but this should not be to your detriment.

So you have to be able to know how to sort things out to avoid having too much pressure.

This is essential to avoid burnout or depression because it is more and more frequent in the professional world.

Methods to stop having pressure in your professional life

The first thing to do is to know how to take a step back and not to dramatize the situation.

When a person puts too much pressure on themselves in their work, they think that everything is important until they no longer know where to turn.

So you have to start thinking about what is really very important and what is much less.

In fact, the more organized you are, the more you will do your work on time without feeling overwhelmed.

The second point is to stay tuned to your body because it sends us signals all the time.

If you don't listen to it then you will end up burning out.

When you start not to sleep well, have pain all over your body, or are still on edge, you have to stop.

It is important to know how to say stop in order to relieve the pressure.

Third point, you have to think of yourself and have activities to let go.

Do not think that his work is not good.

Changing your mind allows you to always stay focused and efficient at your job.

Likewise, it is also important to take breaks during the day to clear your mind.

This is even more true when you fail to achieve your goals.

Relaxing for a few minutes will do you a lot of good so that you can then concentrate better on your work.

Fourth point you must have a positive attitude and be respected.

You don't always have to accept everything from a superior.

If you always say yes, he will be tempted to take advantage of it, so learn to say no to take the pressure off.

How to breathe to release the pressure in your job?

When you have too much pressure in your job, it is quite natural that the stress increases.

Indeed, the fear of not succeeding and of disappointing increases the pressure.

This has direct consequences on our breathing because we block our diaphragm.

To be less under pressure, we must therefore start by having good breathing which will allow us to better manage various situations.

To get there, you just have to start by learning how to unlock your diaphragm as you can see in the videos below.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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