Fear panic : how to cure your phobia naturally ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Panic fear, this phobia that occurs without valid reason and very frequently, is very disturbing in everyday life.

This panic disorder often leads to serious consequences, since it goes so far as to modify the way of being, to influence decisions and actions, often with the avoidance and escape of triggers.

Overcome Fear Panic

Panic fear is actually born in our reptilian brain, and it manifests spontaneously, unconsciously on the part of the person who is subject to it.

Often, the panic attack occurs without real imminent danger being recognized and is accompanied by intense symptoms, such as tremors, palpitations, nausea or cold sweats.

The reptilian brain actually sends warning signals to the body in the face of a potentially dangerous situation.

Its role is in fact to warn us in the event of danger, so that we can take the necessary measures to ensure our safety: defend ourselves or flee.

It is our past experiences that induce the classification, which only covers two aspects: dangerous or not dangerous.

In the case of panic fear, perceptions are wrong and everything can be a pretext for a crisis.

Fortunately, it is possible to react to calm your fears, take back control of your life and become yourself again.

How to stop being afraid of nothing?

The classification made by the reptilian brain is not definitive, it can evolve.

The reptilian brain can be re-educated, and its perceptions corrected, refined, in particular by working on its breathing.

Fear, and more particularly fear of panic, leads to dysregulation of the breath.

By striving to normalize your breathing, it helps to calm the body and mind and to relieve fear.

This is because normalized breathing helps keep the diaphragm relaxed, allowing energy and air flow to flow freely throughout the body.

The body relaxes, as does the mind, which manages to take the time to better analyze the stimuli to which we are subjected and to better interpret situations, without getting carried away.

It is therefore a way to silence his phobias, and to relearn the reptilian brain, for fairer and more appropriate reactions.

But breathing is a small detail, a small protocol compared to the mighty and grandiose yoga technique of shaking.

As a breathing coach and yoga therapist, I am committed to supporting you in your efforts to overcome your fear of panic.

I present to you my own method of shaking yoga in a free video workshop available online.

I have worked on this method of emotional liberation through my many years of professional and personal experiences.

It helps to cleanse your reptilian brain of all your panic fears and rebalance your emotions.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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