Emotional shock and severe fatigue : what to do?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

An emotional shock has different repercussions depending on the individual who is affected.

This shock comes after an event that traumatizes us.

For example a physical assault, a rape, a theft, an attack, a breakdown in his love life, etc.

Emotional Shock

The individual can be either the first victim but also the witness as for example in an attack.

This eventual fact is something that we do not expect and that we cannot control.

The latter will disrupt our life and we can have an emotional / psychological shock followed by a big fatigue.

All human beings have very different reactions to this event, this past trauma.

Some take flight, others are totally paralyzed or feel faint.

It is again impossible what our reaction can be in such a situation.

But emotional shock always leads to great stress.

The overly stressed person will then have great fatigue and you will discover it, it comes from the disturbance of your breathing.

How to heal yourself when you are in a state of shock and exhaustion?

The first thing to do after having suffered a traumatic event is to be accompanied.

You should never be alone in order to be able to talk as much as possible.

It is essential to exteriorize your negative emotions, to be able to confide in your loved ones, a doctor or others to evacuate all that we have in us.

There are several feelings that can be mixed, such as anger, sadness or even fear.

Discussing it will help the person reduce the effect of the state of shock and lower their stress.

Secondly, you have to get help from a professional.

This psychological help has a duration which varies according to the person and the shock suffered.

All of this work is important especially if your psychological shock is preventing you from living your life normally.

It is often advisable to undergo CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) or EDMR (therapy based on eye movements with psychotherapy).

PS: these alternative therapies are often ineffective because the cause is hidden elsewhere (we will talk about it soon) ...

We must also continue to go out so as not to sink into depression.

Despite the great fatigue, it is essential to continue to do physical activities because this will be beneficial for our body.

Being able to concentrate on something else should free your mind so that it no longer focuses on our state of emotional shock.

Obviously this is not always very easy to do but you have to know how to go gradually in order to find the taste for life.

Breathing to heal and overcome emotional shock

As we have just seen after a state of shock, we are paralyzed and this affects our breathing.

The latter is jerky because we have a point that blocks us.

In truth, the emotional shock, the psychological shock, the trauma will register in your flesh and more precisely somatize in your diaphragm, the muscle of your breathing.

This will cause a blocked diaphragm.

And if your diaphragm is stretched, even slightly, your whole life will stop because the energy will no longer circulate, the oxygen no longer enters, the carbon dioxide no longer comes out, it is devitalization, which explains the big fatigue following the emotional shock.

What is therefore essential to get out of this phase of great stress is to free your diaphragm in order to find good breathing in order to calm down.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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