Difficulty breathing deeply due to stress: what to do?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Of course, you are stressed out by the pressure.

You are short of breath and therefore no longer control your breathing.

You have difficulty catching your breath.

Difficulty breathing deeply due to stress

In this article, we offer you some simple tips to help you relax more easily.

When stress takes you out of breath

We speak of shortness of breath when the respiratory rate increases in order to supply the body with oxygen.

This usually occurs during physical exertion or when speaking quickly.

It can also be a warning sign of respiratory or cardiovascular disease.

Sometimes stress is the cause of shortness of breath.

Faced with the pressure at work, the organization of an important event, the cries of children at home, we sometimes feel suffocated.

It is then that the heart races, the breath becomes short.

Chest breathing becomes the norm (it's stress breathing) and the diaphragm contracts.

You feel oppressed and even sometimes you feel death coming.

This situation of emotional instability undoubtedly causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

In the face of stress, relax to lower the pressure

When a stress-related panic occurs, the mistake that should not be made is to swallow tablets for relief.

We must prioritize simple relaxation methods without consequences.

When the breath is no longer deep, consider relaxing.

It is highly recommended that you get out, walk outdoors, and walk slowly.

Let your senses soak up what surrounds you.

Let the wind caress your skin.

May your eyes enjoy the spectacle and the effect of the colors.

Allow sounds and noises to tickle your hearing.

A few minutes outside, away from the stressful environment, will allow you to return to work in a better state of mind.

Breathe to relax better

Breathing is an unconscious mechanism that is one of the pillars of the proper functioning of our body.

But when damaged by stress, conscious breathing is one of the most effective remedies.

Widely used by musicians and yoga practitioners, conscious breathing helps control the flow of air that circulates through the airways.

It is a technique that promotes muscle relaxation.

  • to start, you have to get comfortable with your back;
  • then close your eyes;
  • then breathe in deeply into the stomach and without interruption for five or six seconds depending on your abilities;
  • finally, very very slowly exhale the air stored in the lungs.

Repeating this gesture at least five times allows, on the one hand, to reach a state of serenity and on the other hand, it allows you to evacuate emotions.

Switch from chest breathing to abdominal breathing

During a state of stress, it is mainly noted that the thoracic breathing takes place and that the oxygenation of the body is incomplete.

This creates an oxygen deficit in the organs.

Rather than panicking, try abdominal breathing for a few minutes.

It is done in three stages.

The first step, installation, is to sit down with your back straight, one hand on your stomach and the second on your chest.

The second step is to breathe in through the nostrils for three seconds.

Here, the hand on the chest remains static while the one on the stomach moves.

After only a small second of air retention, move on to the third step which consists of exhaling very slowly.

During this slow and long exhalation which is carried out by contracting the abdominals slightly, the belly deflates while the chest remains almost static.

Abdominal breathing helps relax the muscles, fight fatigue and oxygenate the brain.

Alternate or hold your breath to overcome stress

Stress makes you feel suddenly tired and prevents you from being optimal at work.

When this happens, two very simple solutions, in this case, the retention and the alternation of breathing are available to you.

The alternate breathing consists of first to stop the left nostril, and inhale through the right nostril.

Then, plug the right nostril, exhale through the left nostril and inhale again through the same nostril.

Then continue the same carousel with the next nostril.

Finally, finish by exhaling through both nostrils.

This technique boosts your energy by rebalancing your nervous system.

As for the suspension of the breath, it consists of taking pauses for a few seconds after exhalation.

To do this, you must first stand with your legs slightly apart and your whole body relaxed.

Secondly, you have to breathe in for a long time without pausing.

Thirdly, you have to exhale through the nostrils, letting the breath rest a few seconds after exhalation.

The repetition of these simple and funny gestures during a period of stress allows you not to crack and even to re-inflate!

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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