Cardiac Coherence : Benefits and Dangers?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Cardiac Coherence 365 is an exercise that is done: 3 times a day, 6 deep breaths per minute, for in 5 minutes.

Very popular at the moment by the media, it is considered very effective and safe for health.

What are its benefits ?

Are there any dangers associated with practicing this new breathing exercise?

I tell you everything in this article.

Cardiac Coherence 365 Benefits and Dangers

The immediate benefits of cardiac coherence

If this breathing exercise is very popular, it is because it produces satisfactory results in the short, medium and long term.

Thus, according to several scientific studies, it instantly improved heart amplitude and variability, which would be a sign of better stress management.

In addition, it has also been proven that this exercise has the merit of rounding and regularizing your heart curve.

In other words, by performing the cardiac coherence exercise, you adjust your respiratory cycle with the rhythm of your heart, which immediately makes you feel better and at ease.

The medium-term benefits (after 4 hours) of cardiac coherence

As pointed out previously, practicing cardiac coherence 365 regularly also has beneficial effects in the medium term.

The first benefit recorded in this direction is the significant drop in cortisol levels.

This will allow you to always remain calm and to carefully manage all your anxieties and anxiety situations.

Subsequently, there was also a marked increase in DHEA in people who use it daily.

Secreted by your body, this hormone has the power to slow down aging.

It would also promote the production of salivary IGAs (they protect the body against bacteria, viruses, and certain toxins present in the mouth, blood or lymph).

This will have the merit of improving the proper functioning of your immune system.

Furthermore, further medical studies have found that cardiac coherence 365 also promotes oxytocin synthesis.

Still called the love hormone, its increase in the body creates a strong feeling of compassion with those around him.

The long-term benefits of cardiac coherence

Apart from the above benefits, doing cardiac coherence 365 daily also gives you several lasting benefits.

The first beneficial effect on health is the reduction of arterial hypertension.

Doing this breathing exercise regularly would be the cause of the increase in atrial natriuretic factor.

Synthesized by the heart, it is this hormone that acts on arterial hypertension.

It is for this reason that it is recommended by several health specialists for people suffering from high blood pressure.

In addition, many scientific studies continue to present cardiac coherence 365 as an effective way to lose weight.

However, to really lose weight, this breathing technique must be accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet.

By its action, you will indeed be able to reduce your belly and burn a large body fat.

This will then allow you to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

In addition, the regular practice of this breathing exercise also helps to regulate the level of sugar in the blood.

Far from stopping in such a good way, this technique also has the power to improve concentration and memorization.

Thanks to it, you will be able to considerably increase your productivity.

To continue the list of benefits, such an exercise practiced on a regular basis has the ability to promote good sleep and allow you to recover better.

This way you will always be full of energy to go about your various daily occupations.

Cardiac Coherence 365 also improves pain tolerance and the health of people with asthma.

Alongside these, we must also add the reduction in the risk of depression and the strengthening of the immune system.

Cardiac coherence: are there any dangers associated with its practice?

Obviously, with the list of benefits listed below, the same scientific studies on cardiac coherence indicate that there is no danger in practicing cardiac coherence breathing.

But, I will still give you my advice as a breathing coach.

First, let's go back to some simple things: what is cardiac coherence.

It's just a matter of doing a series of deep breaths at a specific pace 3 times a day.

The generalization of a rhythm

First, wanting to impose a precise rhythm on a physiological function is the very cause of the decline of society.

We want everyone to fit into the same box … except, everyone has specific characteristics that make everyone breathe in a very precise way.

It's like trying to impose the same diet on everyone, the same way of thinking on everyone, the same culture on everyone, of course, it's doomed to fail.

Masked hyperventilation

Second, cardiac coherence is a form of masked hyperventilation.

In other words, you are asked to breathe more deeply for 5 minutes three times a day.

This is called hyperventilation because you breathe in more oxygen.

Voluntary hyperventilation is powerful because it releases adrenaline (adrenal glands) and bicarbonate (kidneys) to adjust the CO2 concentration in your blood because hyperventilation lowers the CO2 level.

Adrenaline and bicarbonate are responsible for the benefits listed above.

They are very powerful molecules in the short term, but in the long term, their constant stimulation causes burnout.

An author with weight problems

I hate to criticize …

But when I see an overweight person bragging about their method of losing weight, it puzzles me.

How can millions of French people fall for the trap?

Losing weight through breathing is anaerobic (breathing less), not an aerobic (breathing more) business.

The driest athletes use interval training which produces anaerobic efforts, i.e. without oxygen.

The hyperventilation phase that follows produces an AFTER-BURN effect with a significant increase in oxygen which burns fat.

Athletes who exercise aerobically (with a lot of oxygen) have low muscle mass and a higher fat content, especially in the belly.

This is due to the increase in cortisol caused by their aerobic exercise (in the presence of oxygen).

In other words, breathing more does NOT make you lose weight, but on the contrary, decreases your muscle mass and maintains your abdominal fat (even if you are a false skinny, that is to say thin but fat of the belly).

However, that's what cardiac coherence for weight loss is, an aerobic respiratory exercise.

To lose weight effectively, it will be necessary to use anaerobic breathing exercises (without oxygen), that is to say with retention and more precisely with empty lungs retention as is practiced in Intermittent Breathing (very powerful for losing weight).

An illusory concept of variability

I myself bought all the equipment offered by the designers of this method: software, sensor to put on the ear or finger, etc.

I wanted to observe this curve which shows the synchronicity between the heart and the respiration.

So yes, by breathing deeply and at a precise rhythm, you "modify" the heart variability, and the curve becomes perfectly synchronized.

Except this is NOT a normal state, breathing at a specific rate is NOT a normal state, breathing deeply is NOT a normal state.

I obviously tested the cardiac coherence software by performing all the Yoga Pranayama techniques, none created beautiful curves.

Even the REAL deep Yoga breath (with an exhale twice as long as the inhale) did not create this beautiful variability.

The only thing that works is simply to breathe at the same time on the inhale and the exhale.

It does create a nice curve, but it is a totally illusory curve, because it does NOT correspond at all to a normal state, to normal oxygenation.

Moreover, my temperature always tends to drop after exercise (negative sign for metabolism) and my Buteyko test score also decreases (negative sign for cellular oxygenation).


I no longer trust scientific studies because we can manipulate the data and make illusory conclusions very easily.

Everything that has been said in this article represents my point of view only, and is not absolute truth.

A personal truth can NOT be the frame for everyone!

This is the reason why I rather advocate experience and especially measurement with alternative health tests.

For example, do your cardiac coherence exercises, see how you feel and especially measure your temperature and do your Buteyko test before / after.

This will give you a more accurate indication.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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