Breathe to lose weight: how to lose weight easily?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Who says losing weight, often says diet, deprivation and dysfunction ... and the yo-yo effect.

What if losing weight simply means breathing better?

How to lose weight by breathing? The explanations of Loris Vitry, breathing coach.

Breathe to lose weight_ how to lose weight by breathing

How to lose weight without stress and naturally?

In order to lose weight, diet is often the first variable to be studied, if not the only one.

It certainly plays a leading role with respect to body mass.

However, this is not the only element to consider.

The variation in weight also depends on genetic factors, the morphotype, the physical activity practiced, the motivation, the season, syndrome such as depression ...

The notion of weight must therefore be approached taking into account different criteria.

While we are not all equal when it comes to weight gain or loss, we all have one common and natural element that we can use for weight loss: breathing.

How to breathe correctly to lose weight?

We don't realize it because it's an innate gesture, but breathing demands our energy.

By breathing well, the body naturally burns calories, fat.

However, to effectively draw on its reserves, the body needs to be properly oxygenated.

A jerky breath causes a blockage of the diaphragm, the muscle of breathing, and generates physical and emotional dysfunctions that can lead to weight gain.

But the breath is often out of order, making weight loss more difficult.

Breathing to burn more fat

Many causes can impact breathing and disrupt it, and some are even often associated with weight gain, such as stress, depression, dark thoughts, withdrawal into oneself, negative emotions ...

To lose weight by breathing, the breath must be normalized, and the diaphragm released.

In this condition alone the body will find the feeling of satiety and the breathing technique will allow you to lose weight.

The concept of intermittent breathing provides the keys to freeing your diaphragm and controlling your breathing.

This concept was designed by Loris Vitry, breathing coach and yoga therapist, after many years of professional experience and personal testing of the different existing breathing methods.

Loris Vitry presents in a free video workshop, available online, the main errors encountered and which lead to dysregulation of breathing.

This workshop is filled with useful tips to easily and quickly regulate your breathing, to relax the diaphragm, and to be able to achieve your slimming goal.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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