Are you ready for full Intermittent Breathing training?
Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.
The best exercice to reduce stress and calm anxiety
EVERYONE should practice this breathing technique, especially if :
▶ you are a therapist or an individual using breathing as a therapeutic tool to relax and regenerate
▶ you have trouble managing stress and fears during stressful situations
▶ you have a blocked diaphragm, a solar plexus pain and the feeling of running out of air despite your deep breaths
▶ You have a more serious respiratory problem such as: asthma, shortness of breath, COPD, dyspnea, hyperventilation syndrome, sleep apnea, pulmonary fibrosis, etc
▶ You already practice breathing exercises ( yoga, sophrology, heart coherence, deep breathing, wim hof method, etc. ), but these exercises still do not improve your stress and health problems
▶ You don't know how to externalize emotions and you live on adrenaline
▶ You are physically tired (adrenal fatigue), emotionally hypersensitive (anxiety), psychologically exhausted (brain fog), and you would like to regain all your energy and vitality
❤ Then Intermittent Breathing is exactly the technique you need now.
Subscribe for free to the form above to discover the Intermittent Respiration official ebook + a free video presentation.
You are going to learn how the Intermittent Breathing method can durably reduce your level of stress and fatigue in order to regain all your vital energy thanks to better cellular oxygenation.
You can see dozens of video testimonials on this page (currently in French). The testimonies in English are being edited.