Complete alternative health test (Buteyko + Barnes)
Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.
WARNING: these tests do NOT replace that of your attending physician!
Always rely on your health care practitioner's diagnosis. The two tests below are used in so-called "alternative" medicines. They are presented for informational purposes only.
What is your temperature in the morning when you wake up?
Broda Barnes, a famous American endocrinologist specializing in the thyroid, published an incredible study several decades ago.
He discovered that most modern diseases (he listed over 150 in his report) like diabetes, depression, generalized anxiety, chronic fatigue, are caused by a slow metabolism (hypothyroidism).
This hypothyroidism results in low energy production and many negative emotions.
To diagnose the health of your thyroid, Dr. Broda Barnes simply measured the temperature of his patients with a thermometer which he considered more reliable than blood tests.
The limits not to be exceeded
If your body temperature is below 36.5°C / 96.8°F in the morning upon waking, you simply have a damaged metabolism (hypothyroidism)!
This results in low cellular oxygenation, low energy production, physical fatigue and inevitably permanent generalized anxiety which can turn into depression.
Obviously, a temperature below normal also leads to excessive chilliness.
On the other hand, if you have a temperature between 36.5°C / 96.8°F and 36.8°C / 98.2°C degrees, your metabolism is optimal!
This indicates that your body and cells are producing a high level of energy through good cellular oxygenation, so fatigue, anxiety and depression are impossible under these conditions.
I invite you to quickly buy your digital dial thermometer (3 euros in pharmacies) to measure your temperature tomorrow morning (under the tongue) to determine the health of your metabolism.
NOTE: Do not take your temperature anywhere other than under the tongue.
Also be aware that the health of your thyroid is related, whether you like it or not, to the quality of your breathing.
PS: for you ladies, it is better to take your temperature the first days of menstruation because your temperature rises naturally with the variation of your hormonal cycle.
How to increase your body temperature?
Unfortunately, Doctor Broda Barnes treated these patients only with thyroid hormone replacement drugs.
This should remain your last option, as there are many natural methods to quickly increase your body temperature, such as optimizing your breathing and eating better.
Raising your temperature will normalize your thyroid, thus your energy level, which will eliminate your anxiety and fatigue.
As simple as that!
A Russian doctor, Konstantin Buteyko, genius of breathing
During my research on breathing, I discovered the work of a famous Russian doctor by the name of Konstantin Buteyko (very little known in France).
He and his team of a hundred doctors have developed a breathtaking breathtakingly simple test to measure your cellular oxygenation capacity.
This test allows you to determine your level of health according to the rhythm of your breathing.
The test consists of breathing apnea at the end of an exhalation.
It is not a traditional apnea where you block your breathing after you breathe.
Traditional apnea measures your capacity for pulmonary oxygenation.
This is not what we are trying to measure here.
Indeed, your lung capacity varies according to your age, your sex but also your thoracic flexibility.
These Russian doctors have discovered that apnea after expiration measures your cellular oxygenation capacity.
Indeed, without oxygen in the lungs, the body has no choice but to use the oxygen present in the cells.
Take the test now in less than 60 seconds
First, have a stopwatch, you can use your phone or an online stopwatch.
Then sit back straight with no support.
Close your eyes to snorkel.
For now, watch your breath for a few seconds to spot inspiration and expiration.
Do not change the rhythm or the depth of your breathing.
When you are ready, at the end of an exhalation (empty lungs), you will pinch your nose to block your breathing.
You start your stopwatch at the same time.
At the very first sign of discomfort, which corresponds to the first spasm of your diaphragm, you will stop the stopwatch.
Do not force, it is not a performance but to spot exactly this first sign of discomfort and lack of oxygen.
You have to catch your breath as if nothing had happened.
If your breathing is agitated, you have forced too much, you will have to start again in a few minutes.
This test is more precise if it is done on waking (in the absence of stress).
So what is your cellular oxygen level?

To understand what you just measured, here is a simple illustration of a cell in your body.
Your body is at the macroscopic level, what your billions of cells are at the microscopic level.
In other words, you are the sum of all your cells.
The result you have just obtained corresponds to your current oxygenation.
The higher your result, the longer your apnea lasts, the higher your cellular oxygenation, the more your breathing is correct.
This corresponds to great vitality, excellent digestion, a slim body, a serene state of mind but above all the absence of anxiety and stress.
On the other hand, the lower your result, the shorter your apnea, the lower your cellular oxygenation, the worse your breathing.
This clearly corresponds to many health problems (at the stage of symptoms or proven diseases), greater fatigue, digestion problems, a softer body, a more restless state of mind but above all more intense anxiety. !
EXCLUSIVE: the official charter of Doctor Buteyko!

Here is a value scale which corresponds to the work of doctor Buteyko and his team of a hundred Russian doctors.
Please note that this original and alternative test is not recognized by the government and does not replace a consultation with your doctor.
This information should not be construed as medical advice, should not be used for the purpose of diagnosis or self-treatment of illness, should not be construed as an attempt to prescribe or practice medicine.
This content is only provided for personal and informational purposes.
In no case can I be held responsible for any damage or injury due to the information provided or not provided.
Observations on thousands of patients in Russia:
▶ Within 5 seconds , the individual is very sick, most often bedridden or hospitalized.
He takes several medications to support his physical and mental suffering.
Note that 0 seconds corresponds to death.
In common parlance, it will be said that he has breathed his last, which corresponds to the cessation of respiration and cellular oxygenation.
▶ Between 5 and 20 seconds , the individual is sick and often experiences one of the modern diseases (metabolic syndrome).
For example, the person suffers from health problems such as diabetes, overweight, chronic fatigue, depression, hypertension, but above all a high level of anxiety.
At this point, he is probably taking medication (or is about to take it) to control the symptoms of his illness.
Emotionally, the individual is unstable and experiences anxiety in various forms on a daily basis.
The individual takes care to stay in his comfort zone in order to avoid any emotional destabilization.
Psychically, his mind is in constant activity and the little path in his head never stops.
He never lives in the present moment because his thoughts are constantly turned to the past or the future.
▶ Between 20 and 40 seconds , the individual is half-sick because in appearance, he seems in good health, but internally, these cells do not have all their oxygenation capacity because of 'a significant level of toxins.
Physically, the individual experiences only symptoms of illness: bearable anxiety, colds, digestion problem, various allergies, pain, etc.
Emotionally, instability is moderate depending on the individual.
Depending on whether it is closer to 20 or 40 seconds, the individual experiences emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger or sadness.
In this category, we find most people who are directly or indirectly interested in personal development in order to improve their physical and emotional well-being.
Psychically, his mind is more or less agitated.
At this stage, concentration and meditation can help channel the mind but it does not last very long because it requires a lot of energy which ultimately creates fatigue.
The 40 second level is the "lower" standard set by the Buteyko method, which at the present time represents a very good level of health.
Regarding this level, Doctor Buteyko often said: " Below 40 seconds, life is lived in suffering ".
The lower your score is less than 40 seconds, the worse you breathe and the more anxious and tired you are!
▶ Between 40 and 60 seconds , the individual is in perfect health.
Physically, he knows neither fatigue nor illness.
It has a very high vital energy given its high oxygenation.
Emotionally, the individual is perfectly stable and does not experience (or very rarely) negative emotions such as anxiety or fear.
Psychically, his mind is very calm and this allows him to experience most of the time what is called the present moment.
He rarely lives in the past or the future but enjoys his daily life to the full.
The level of 60 seconds is the "higher" standard of doctor Buteyko, set in 1950. Indeed, at the time, people had an energy metabolism and therefore an oxygenation capacity much higher than today. Whereas in 1950 the average was around 40 seconds, today the average is around 20 seconds.
Doctor Buteyko was often worried about seeing an increasingly sick society.
And he was right, Science & Vie magazine recently published a shocking study : 95% of the population has a health problem (symptom or recognized).
▶ Beyond 60 seconds , a result that Dr. Buteyko and his entire team of Russian doctors had achieved (it was an obligation to integrate his research team), the individual develops unusual skills and metabolism.
When the body is in perfect health and the mind perfectly appeased, the available energy serves to sublimate the individual and allows him to obtain, without wanting to, physical capacities such as accelerated physical recovery and greater vitality. .
According to doctor Buteyko, this score also confers psychic capacities such as: better intuition (6th sense), telepathy (feeling what the other thinks), clear-hearing and clairvoyance (extra-sensory capacity), or even a more intense power of attraction (attracting everything you want to yourself).
These capacities, we all have them all, but they are "asleep".
For example, it is the fact of thinking of someone and then meeting them right after, or receiving their phone call.
It is "feeling" what others think, it is the feeling of things, etc ...
Conclusion of the Buteyko test
The objective is obviously to reach the score of 60 seconds, which indicates an optimal level of health!
The scientific work of doctor Buteyko shows that our health depends directly on our cellular oxygenation and therefore on our breathing.
He is not the only one !
Thousands of scientific studies demonstrate the link between health and oxygenation of the body!
There is for example the famous doctor Otto Warburg who discovered in 1931 that the real cause of cancer and disease is a lack of oxygen in the body.
This earned him the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for this important discovery.
The link between our health and our breathing is therefore no longer to be demonstrated!
These two alternative health tests offered by doctors Buteyko and Broda Barnes are invaluable.
An individual with a good temperature in the morning of around 36.6°C / 97.9°F and an apnea time of around 40 seconds will be very different from an individual with scores below the norm.
The first will breathe health, fitness and happiness ...
But the second will be a prisoner of a permanent generalized anxiety state accompanied by a ton of negative emotions.
" Life is lived in suffering ... " as Doctor Buteyko would say!
Do you fall into this second category?
Do not panic !
I know exactly what to do!
In fact, I know perfectly well what you are going through, having myself had a score of 9 seconds and a temperature of 35.5°C / 95,9°F on waking.
At that time, my life was pure daily suffering with permanent anxiety accompanied by a depressed state ...
Fortunately, I learned to increase my temperature and my cellular oxygenation to reach a score of around 40 seconds on the apnea test from Doctor Buteyko.
And all my health problems are gone!
Broda Barnes and Buteyko affirm it, by normalizing its temperature to approximately 36.6°C / 97.9°F (under the tongue obligatorily) and its cellular oxygenation at 40 seconds, all modern diseases disappear.
Broda Barnes had listed more than 150 in his scientific report!
And as Buteyko said, beyond 40 seconds, you finally begin to live happily and to appreciate true inner happiness, only possible in the absence of anxiety and inner stress.
Results of your full alternative health test?
Record your results today to check your progress later ...
You can even use my online application provided for this purpose: !
I also created a breathing technique to quickly increase your scores: Intermittent Breathing.
By following my Intermittent Breathing method, you will increase your energy level, free yourself from your negative emotions, eliminate your psychological blockages but above all you will regenerate your nervous system.
The proof that my technique works perfectly will be the increase in your results right after exercise.
The more you practice, the more you will permanently install its benefits.
If you want to learn more about theory and physiology, you can read my full guide on Intermittent Breathing.
See you soon.
❤ The ultimate guide to breathing
Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).Read also :
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